01 AugThe Monster in the Garden

Note: I looked forward all winter for gardening season this year only to have a million grasshoppers (pretty sure that’s not an exaggeration) come in and eat my roses, my potatoes, my zinnias, my . . . everything. I am less than benevolent when it comes to grasshoppers. My war with them led to writing […]

About Tory C Anderson

Tory C Anderson is the father and Dad of eight children. He has been employed in telecommunication and computer technology for 25 years. Like most men, Tory has many plans for his life, but he has found that his family has been taking up most of the space. He feels no regrets. Tory's latest Young Adult novel, Joey and the Magic Map is out. You can read more about it here: http://www.ToryCAnderson.com

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