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01 AugThe Monster in the Garden

Note: I looked forward all winter for gardening season this year only to have a million grasshoppers (pretty sure that’s not an exaggeration) come in and eat my roses, my potatoes, my zinnias, my . . . everything. I am less than benevolent when it comes to grasshoppers. My war with them led to writing […]

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21 JulA Lagoon Summer Night

I don’t like crowded events. I stay away from concerts and national parks in season. Perhaps it’s ironic, then, that one of my favorite summer activities occurs at a popular Utah amusement park named Lagoon. When it comes to summertime this is holds my heart. My relationship began over five decades ago when I was […]

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31 MarThe Sky Was Blue; or, Stranger Danger

Note: I gave my creative writing an assignment to write about an experience in their lives in the 3rd person. This is my own attempt at the assignment. The sky was blue, mottled with clouds. A brisk breeze blew from the north. In the city park parking lot a man a touch on the elderly […]

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18 JulThe Clarinet

Note: I played the clarinet in high school. After 45 years I’ve picked it up again and am finding a lot of joy in making music. The following are my thoughts on the clarinet. The clarinet is a humble instrument. You rarely find it center stage as you will the piano, violin, or cello. Perhaps […]

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07 NovA BYU Nobody

I’m a proud BYU Graduate. Over three decades ago I graduated with an MA in English. I still remember the exhilarating feeling of accomplishment I felt at graduation. I was never a star pupil and received no honors on that jubilant day, but I felt worthy. I’ve had my ups and downs as far as […]

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30 SepToday I Am a Hero

I’ve never understood the amount of laundry we do at our house. My wife will proudly announce that she’s done “eight loads today.” She may announce this several times during the week. Do we really have that much laundry? I seem to remember hearing of other households having a laundry “day.” I can’t imagine doing […]

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20 AugWhy Doth the Cow Sing?

My house is at the edge of town near a road that leads to two canyons in the mountains just to the east. The road is exactly one mile long and slightly up hill. It’s a great road for walking. On either side of the road are hayfields. Between the fields and me are barbed […]

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18 MayThe Man-Truck Police

I’m the artsy type living in a cowboy community.  It’s a great little community here as long as you remember your place. I respect their tough cowboy ways and they let me be artistic. We got along fine until I got my pickup truck. You need to understand; down here trucks are for the tough […]

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15 MayThe Burning of the Burley Junior High School

            Although each child is an individual, children as a group have common dreams. They dream of superpowers and wonder which power would be best. Could Cyclops beat Wolverine? How about Batman against Superman? Children dream of what they would pick if they could have any wish. Should it be all the money in the […]

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10 MayHolding Hands with a Stranger

I grew up skinny. I remember as a high school senior getting measurements for a band uniform and my pant measurements were 30” x 30”. These measurements were in spite of frequent Hostess-Os binges where I would eat all six powder-sugar coated, raspberry-jelly filled donuts in a box in one sitting. I would dunk them […]

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