23 JunSexy, the New Beautiful?

A Jessica Rey creation

A Jessica Rey creation

I am a man who is attracted to women. It’s a fact. I admit it. All day, every day I am aware of the female forms around me. I may be driving down Main street and see someone walking on the sidewalk. Without even thinking I become aware if the figure is feminine or not. The feminine form whispers of some hope for goodness in my life. I know that a lot of unhappiness and ugliness happens in the interaction between man and woman, but deep inside me I have a knowledge that woman can be very good for man.

When I say woman can be very good for man I mean a woman can make a man want to be a better man. What power could a woman have greater than that? Sadly, I think women have lost sight of this possibility. It has been replaced by women wanting to be only equal to man. They are achieving this. Women can go to combat, be president, be an astronaut, be a CEO, or anything else they want. Women can swear, smoke, and drink. Women can have all the sexpartners they want. Yes, women have come a long way.

I believe women have the right to have all the opportunities that men have. Unfortunately women tend to leave the better part of themselves behind in exercising these rights.  One of the things I miss most since the sexual revolution is modesty.

Modesty is a topic that is quickly shouted down among women today. Modesty is naturally quiet. It’s opposite, sexy, quickly drowns it out in any discussion. With the decline of modesty has gone beauty. “Sexy” has replaced “beautiful.” Sexy aligns itself with desire. A sexy woman doesn’t need to be intelligent, kind, capable, responsible or moral. Sex doesn’t require these things. We expect more from a beautiful woman. Beautiful is much more difficult to achieve. A “sexy” woman can put on a beautiful, modest dress, and will still be only a sexy woman, just one who is dressed up.

Can a beautiful woman be sexy? Let me just ask, can a round object roll? Yes, a beautiful woman can be sexy, but unless you are her husband you aren’t going to see her be so. Modesty is a required part of beauty and modesty does not allow beauty to show her sexy to just anybody. When I see a woman’s “sexy” I feel desire, but beauty is gone the way a garish streetlight outshines the stars.

I came across a video discussing modesty on Youtube. It starts out as a history of the bikini and is quite interesting. The speaker, Jessica Rey, makes a very nice presentation. She discusses alternatives to “sexy” in swimwear. She has developed a line of swimwear that supports her “beautiful” views. Below is a link to the video. In the video is a link to her swimwear website. It’s worth a look.

About Tory C Anderson

Tory C Anderson is the father and Dad of eight children. He has been employed in telecommunication and computer technology for 25 years. Like most men, Tory has many plans for his life, but he has found that his family has been taking up most of the space. He feels no regrets. Tory's latest Young Adult novel, Joey and the Magic Map is out. You can read more about it here: http://www.ToryCAnderson.com